John Ostle, 17311811 (aged 80 years)

Birth April 26, 1731 33 23
Citation details: 322/34
Birth of a sisterMary Ostle
February 6, 1732/33 CE (February 17, 1733) (aged 1 year)
Citation details: 324/34
Birth of a brotherJoseph Ostle
January 4, 1734/35 CE (January 15, 1735) (aged 3 years)
Citation details: 324/35
Death of a paternal grandfatherJoseph Ostle
1737 (aged 5 years)
Birth of a brotherJacob Ostle
March 18, 1739/40 CE (March 29, 1740) (aged 8 years)
Citation details: 325/35
Birth of a brotherCaleb Ostle
March 20, 1740/41 CE (March 31, 1741) (aged 9 years)
Citation details: 322/37
Death of a sisterRuth Ostle
before 1743 (aged 11 years)

Not mentioned in list of grandchildren

Death of a maternal grandfatherJohn Stordy
1743 (aged 11 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherJane
July 1747 (aged 16 years)
Citation details: 322/112
Burial of a paternal grandmotherJane
July 9, 1747 (aged 16 years)
Citation details: 322/112

Age 76.

Birth of a brotherJonathan Ostle
September 2, 1749 (aged 18 years)
Citation details: 322/41
Death of a brotherJonathan Ostle
September 7, 1755 (aged 24 years)
Citation details: 322/113
MarriageMary GlaisterView this family
about 1758 (aged 26 years)
Birth of a daughterHannah Ostle
1759 (aged 27 years)
Citation details: 322/115
Death of a daughterHannah Ostle
August 22, 1759 (aged 28 years)
Citation details: 322/115
Burial of a daughterHannah Ostle
August 23, 1759 (aged 28 years)
Citation details: 322/115
Birth of a daughterMary Ostle
September 3, 1760 (aged 29 years)
Citation details: 322/49
Birth of a sonThomas Ostle
March 9, 1763 (aged 31 years)
Citation details: 322/49
Birth of a sonDaniel Ostle
October 15, 1765 (aged 34 years)
Citation details: 322/51

Twin of Joseph

Birth of a sonJoseph Ostle
October 15, 1765 (aged 34 years)
Citation details: 322/51

Twin of Daniel

Birth of a sonJohn Ostle
August 2, 1768 (aged 37 years)
Citation details: 322/52
Birth of a sonObadiah Ostle
October 1, 1770 (aged 39 years)
Citation details: 322/54
Death of a sonJohn Ostle
December 29, 1771 (aged 40 years)
Citation details: 322/118
Death of a sonObadiah Ostle
December 29, 1771 (aged 40 years)
Citation details: 322/188
Burial of a sonJohn Ostle
December 31, 1771 (aged 40 years)
Citation details: 322/118
Burial of a sonObadiah Ostle
December 31, 1771 (aged 40 years)
Citation details: 322/188
Death of a brotherThomas Ostle
September 1772 (aged 41 years)
Citation details: 345/216
Burial of a brotherThomas Ostle
September 24, 1772 (aged 41 years)
Citation details: 345/216
Death of a sonDaniel Ostle
February 13, 1777 (aged 45 years)
Citation details: 297/19
Burial of a sonDaniel Ostle
February 15, 1777 (aged 45 years)
Citation details: 297/19
Death of a fatherThomas Ostle
May 4, 1781 (aged 50 years)
Citation details: 297/67
Burial of a fatherThomas Ostle
May 6, 1781 (aged 50 years)
Citation details: 297/67
Death of a motherMary Stordy
September 20, 1788 (aged 57 years)
Citation details: 297/189
Burial of a motherMary Stordy
September 22, 1788 (aged 57 years)
Citation details: 297/189
Marriage of a childThomas OstleMary DrapeView this family
March 3, 1790 (aged 58 years)
Citation details: 295/34
Death of a sisterMary Ostle
1793 (aged 61 years)
Marriage of a childJoseph OstleEsther SaulView this family
March 25, 1800 (aged 68 years)
Citation details: 330/6
Death of a brotherJoseph Ostle
August 3, 1808 (aged 77 years)
Citation details: 304/110

Age 73

Burial of a brotherJoseph Ostle
August 5, 1808 (aged 77 years)
Citation details: 304/110
Death of a brotherJacob Ostle
February 23, 1811 (aged 79 years)
Citation details: 305/13
Burial of a brotherJacob Ostle
February 26, 1811 (aged 79 years)
Citation details: 305/13
Death December 30, 1811 (aged 80 years)
Citation details: 305/174

age 85

Burial January 1, 1812 (2 days after death)
Citation details: 305/174
Family with parents
Birth: October 11, 1707Thurstonfield
Death: September 20, 1788Newtown
Marriage MarriageNovember 3, 1726Burgh Meeting
15 months
elder sister
1727/28 CE1743
Birth: January 21, 1727/28 CE (February 1, 1728) 30 20Newtown
Death: before 1743Newtown
14 months
elder brother
1728/29 CE1772
Birth: March 18, 1728/29 CE (March 29, 1729) 31 21Newtown
Death: September 1772Moorhouse
2 years
Birth: April 26, 1731 33 23Newtown
Death: December 30, 1811Newtown
22 months
younger sister
1732/33 CE1793
Birth: February 6, 1732/33 CE (February 17, 1733) 35 25Newtown
Death: 1793Newtown
23 months
younger brother
1734/35 CE1808
Birth: January 4, 1734/35 CE (January 15, 1735) 37 27Newtown
Death: August 3, 1808Moorhouse
5 years
younger brother
1739/40 CE1811
Birth: March 18, 1739/40 CE (March 29, 1740) 42 32Newtown
Death: February 23, 1811Cockermouth
1 year
younger brother
1740/41 CE1829
Birth: March 20, 1740/41 CE (March 31, 1741) 43 33Newtown
Death: June 2, 1829Mawbray
9 years
younger brother
Birth: September 2, 1749 51 41Newtown
Death: September 7, 1755Newtown
Family with Mary Glaister
Birth: April 26, 1731 33 23Newtown
Death: December 30, 1811Newtown
Marriage Marriageabout 1758Moorhouse
2 years
Birth: 1759 27 27Newtown
Death: August 22, 1759Newtown
20 months
Birth: September 3, 1760 29 28Newtown
Death: December 5, 1834Newtown
3 years
Birth: March 9, 1763 31 31Newtown
Death: May 19, 1821Newtown
3 years
Birth: October 15, 1765 34 33Newtown
Death: February 13, 1777Newtown
Birth: October 15, 1765 34 33Newtown
3 years
Birth: August 2, 1768 37 36Newtown
Death: December 29, 1771Newtown
2 years
Birth: October 1, 1770 39 38Newtown
Death: December 29, 1771Newtown
BirthSociety of Friends: Index of Births, Marriages and Deaths
Citation details: 322/34
DeathSociety of Friends: Index of Births, Marriages and Deaths
Citation details: 305/174

age 85

BurialSociety of Friends: Index of Births, Marriages and Deaths
Citation details: 305/174